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Mixed Combination RAM® Pin-Lock™ Security Knob and Key Knob for RAM Swing Arms - RAP-S-KNOB6U

In Stock  - Ships for $3.99

Ships Today - March 14

The RAP-S-KNOB6U consists of a 3/8"-16 female threaded security knob and key knob. The RAP-S-KNOB6U replaces all knobs on RAM single and double swing arms. The RAP-S-KNOB6U offers the ideal amount of leverage to properly tighten your mount to prevent slippage in heavy chop or in extreme vibration environments. With an emphasis on aesthetics and function, the RAP-S-KNOB6U is low in profile and only adds a small amount of additional bulk to your system when compared to the standard knob included. At a fraction of the cost of currently available keyed locking knobs, the additional peace of mind and tamper resistance comes at a very affordable price. The RAP-S-KNOB6U is the perfect accessory for keeping your mounted electronic device safe from theft and tampering.

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